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Affichage des articles du janvier, 2014

Change Management

Lean is about Change Management. I am going to write some articles on that topic for a couple of weeks. I will cover the following aspects :   Everyone responds to change in different ways (today’s article) Change is a step by step process: a model by John P. Kotter YOU have to be the role model So let’s start by a basic question: What is change management? Some people will tell you « it’s the art of making sustainable change ».  But what do they mean by « sustainable ? ». Currently, most of experts agreed that a sustainable change is 2 years after the launch of the change program. Based on my own experience, I think that 2 years is the right moment to assess if your change program (let’s say a Lean transformation program) succeeded or failed. To begin with, as a Lean practitioner, we should not consider that change is natural and that everyone will support the change program. 1)    Everyone responds to change in different ways Once you’ve had a great id